Weird Bodily Quirks
8th April 2022Brain Freeze
We all enjoy a frozen treat occasionally but then oh no, brain freeze…. The so called brain freeze happens when something cold touches nerves in the roof of your mouth, triggering blood vessels in the front of your head to swell.
The rapid swelling causes the familiar jabbing pain of a brain freeze. As a solution, try eating your frozen treat or other cold foods slowly to avoid getting an ice cream headache
Hyperhidrosis is excessive Sweating and can be a mood killer its very common and can happen to completely healthy people. Excessive sweating is usually on the palms, soles and armpits but can occur on the face as well. There are various treatments available that may include Botox injections, aluminum chloride antiperspirants, oral medications, surgery or mild electrical currents.
It could be vertigo If it feels like the room’s moving when it’s not. Vertigo could be caused by inner ear problems or nerve damage and can last minutes or hours. Distinguishing vertigo from dizziness, there must be a feeling of motion, other symptoms include hearing loss, ear discomfort, and unusual eye movements. The only way to treat vertigo is to visit your doctor to establish the cause and provide the correct treatment
Sleeping Arm or Leg
That dull feeling in your arm or leg like it’s asleep. This is a temporary and harmless sensation that is caused by constant pressure on the nerves, leaving them unable to transmit messages to your brain.
The simple cure is to change positions. As soon as the feeling starts coming back to that area, you will feel a tingling, known as pins and needles. Chronic tingling indicates a more serious underlying condition that should be seen by a doctor.
Hiccups are caused by the uncontrollable contraction of the diaphragm. Overdoing alcohol, eating too much or too fast, overdoing alcohol, or swallowing air can all cause the hiccups. Hiccups usually go away on their own, but you can try remedies like drinking water quickly, hold your breath, quickly drinking water or breathing into a bag.
Tonsil Stones
Tonsilloliths, tonsil stones are bad smelling lumps that can be uncomfortable but are generally harmless. Tonsil stones form when bacteria and debris get trapped in the tonsil pockets, it is a hard piece of matter that leaves a bad taste in your throat. These small stones can be removed with a swab, but if they don’t bother you, no treatment is necessary.
Ear Popping
Ear barotrauma, is that clogged-up, sometimes painful feeling you get in your ears when the air pressure changes quickly and can also happen when you ride in an elevator, dive or drive in the mountains. The only way to try and relieve the pressure is by “popping” our ears.
The “pop” means a tube connecting your middle ear to the back of your throat has opened, relieving pressure. Techniques to try, chew gum, yawn or close your mouth, hold your nose, and blow gently.
Ear Wax Build-Up
Never stick fingers or cotton swabs in your ear canals. Earwax are there to help fight infection and keep our ears clean. Our body will naturally get rid of any excess earwax through the ear opening. Sticking any object in our ears will cause a blockage in we the ear canal. Should you have any ear wax build-up, consult your doctor who can remove excess ear wax with irrigation or manual removal.
Black Hairy Tongue
No, this isn’t something from a monster movie. Black hairy tongue happens when the little bumps on your tongue grow long instead of shedding and bacteria grow on them. Poor oral hygiene, some mouthwashes, smoking, radiation therapy to the head and neck, and certain medications can play a role. Brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day, use a tongue scraper and avoid aggravating factors.
Eye Twitching
Eyelid spasms can be unpredictable, bothersome but harmless. Eye twitching is caused by eyestrain, stress, fatigue, dry eyes and too much caffeine. Serious twitching may be caused by a neurological disorders like Tourette’s syndrome.
Eyelid spasms usually goes away on their own but if severe Botox injections may be recommended.
Gynecomastia – Male Breasts
Gynaecomastia sometimes referred to as “man boobs” is an imbalance of the hormones, estrogen and testosterone. This is a common condition that causes boys and men’s breasts to swell and become larger than normal. Unless caused by a serious medical issue the condition is usually harmless.
Raccoon Eyes
Dark circles under the eyes, blame age and fatigue for your raccoon eyes. The lack of sleep makes your skin pale emphasizing the dark circles and as we age our skin gets thinner around the eyes, making it easier to see any discoloration.
Excessive Hair Growth
There are very few women who enjoy having excess hair on their face and body as it can be embarrassing to most. Hirsutism affects about 5% of women it can be genetic or caused by polycystic ovary syndrome. Treatments for Hirsutism depends on the cause and can include electrolysis, bleaching, hormone therapies and laser hair removal.
Rosacea causes red patches on the sensitive skin of the face. In rare cases the nose can becomes thickened and bumpy, a condition called rhinophyma. Rosacea is more common in men than women and genetics do play a role. Treatments available include laser or light therapies, dermabrasion and electrocautery.