Benefits of an Adjustable Bed

1st April 2022 Off By Marketing

Adjustable beds were once considered to belongs in hospitals only. Things have changed considerably over last few years and more people are beginning to appreciate the role of adjustable beds in maintaining good health and better sleep.

Herewith a few benefits of an adjustable bed to provide better quality of sleep and assist with recovering from any health conditions you may have.


Your quality of sleep depends largely on the quality of the flow of your circulatory system. The quality of your mattress and bed can affect your sleep. While we sleep, pressure stops blood from flowing to the pressured parts of the body which can have an impact on the quality of sleep that we get.

With an adjustable bed, you can change sleeping positions that will reduce pressure to allow blood flow to the heart and the rest of body. People with circulation issues can adjust their bed to the recommended levels which will increase the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the whole body.

Back Pain

Adjustable beds can improve painful health conditions like Sciatica. By adjusting the mattress at the foot and head ends, you create a surface for your back to rest on. By doing this it cushions the spine and reduces the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

There are medications to help relieve these types of pains but adjustable beds will make the recovery process a lot faster. If you have sciatic nerve-related pain you only need to adjust the bed to an angle of 45 degrees by doing this you will reduce the compression on the lower back and reduce the pain considerably.

Improve Digestion

While we sleeps, digestion and other food processing functions don’t stop. Research has shown that lying flat while sleeping slows down the digestion processes, which is why people wake up with stomach trouble sometimes. Having an adjustable bed, you can tilt the head up which will allow your food to digest properly while sleeping.


Pain usually gets worse during the night because most beds keep us lying flat. If you position your adjustable bed in a way that takes the pressure and weight off the problem areas you can get pain relief in the joints.

Sleep Apnea, Snoring and Asthma

Most people snore when lying flat. With an adjustable bed, the head can be lifted to generate enough gravity to take the pressure off the windpipe thus reduce snoring.

Breathing-related problems such as sleep apnea and asthma can also be reduced by sleeping on an adjustable bed. Sleeping in an angled position will enhance airflow, open nasal pathways allowing a comfortable and uninterrupted night’s sleep.

Leg Swelling

There are quite a large number of people are suffering from swollen legs including pregnant women, people suffering from an injured limb and those struggling with various illnesses.

Lying flat on a bed ensures that fluid gathers up at strategic areas of the body, causing pain, inflammation and swelling, making waking up in the morning a constant struggle.

Recommended by medical experts, it is advised to sleep with your legs elevated to avoid fluid accumulation. Raising the legs with an adjustable bed can also help people working on their feet all day.

Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Heartburn and acid reflux can occur even without having a full stomach, because sleeping on a flatbed allows acid from your stomach to flow to the oesophagus. Experts recommend inclining your head to prevent the acid in the stomach from migrating to the oesophagus.


Failing health can be challenging that no one wants to encounter, It generates discomfort, and in most cases impedes free body movements. With an adjustable bed, you can decrease these difficulties greatly. By adjusting your bed, you can make getting up in the morning less difficult.