The Best Mattress for Back Pain

12th March 2022 Off By Marketing

Do you suffer with back pain? Then you sleeping on the wrong mattress. A mattress that offers no support can reinforce a poor sleeping posture, strains muscles and does not keep the spine in alignment, and all of this can contribute to low back pain. A mattress that provides both back support and comfort will help reduce back pain allowing the structures in the spine to rest and rejuvenate during the night.

There are a huge variety of mattress on the market to choose from and choosing the correct mattress for your needs can be difficult. Herewith a few guidelines to help you choose the right mattress that will provide back support and give you a comfortable night’s sleep.

Picking the right mattress is a personal preference. There is not a single mattress type or style that works for all people with back pain. A mattress that provides a good night’s rest without pain and stiffness is the best mattress for that individual.

When purchasing a new mattress, you need to understand the physical components of the mattress, is it a bonnel spring, pocket spring, full foam, does it have a pillow top, is it a plush, medium or firm feel and what is the weight rating of the bed as this also plays a very important role when buying a new bed.

A good mattress will provide support to the natural curve and alignment of the spine. With the right amount of back support, you will be able to avoid muscle soreness in the morning. There’s not much clinical data about mattresses but one study did find that a medium-firm mattress usually provides more back pain relief than a firm mattress.

A lot of people believe that a firm mattress is best for a bad back, but this may not always be true, a firm mattress does not accommodate the natural curvature of the spine

People sleeping on their sides might find that a firm mattress is very uncomfortable as a firm mattress creates pressure points on the shoulders and pelvic area and having these pressure points on someone with a bad back will most probably be very uncomfortable.

A too firm mattress will not support your spine in its normal alignment, it will only provide support on the heaviest areas of the body like the hips and shoulders.

A too firm mattress will not conform to your body contour thus leaving gaps between your body and the mattress creating additional pain for those suffering with a bad back.

We know that a firm mattress is bad for your back but so is a soft mattress. A soft mattress will not support your body properly you will only sink into the mattress worsening your back pain. It is recommended to get a medium-firm mattress if you struggling with back problems.

Latex mattresses can be recommended for bad backs as latex has a natural springiness and conforms easily to your body to provide proper spinal support. A latex mattress will help maintain spinal alignment, provide support and is extremely comfortable.

Should you wish to get a firmer mattress for back support try and get one with thicker padding to provide extra comfort. It will be hard to find a comfortable position on a mattress that is too firm or too soft, this will lead to countless sleepless nights.