Dirtiest Things in Your House

20th April 2022 Off By Marketing

These days people are obsessed with dangerous germs. Yes, they exist everywhere including your home.

You may ask? “What’s dirtier than your toilet seat? Your kitchen. Shocking, isn’t it? Herewith a list of some of the dirtiest things you touch at home and how you can reduce these nasty little germs from spreading.

Dish Sponges

Dirt and moisture equals bad news. Replace your sponges regularly or else soak them in diluted bleach for about 5 minutes, this will eliminate mould, yeast and coliform bacteria.

Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink is the second highest breeding ground for E. coli, salmonella, and other germs that lead to gastrointestinal ailments. Make sure to clean your sink before and after each use, moisture makes germs grow so always dry your sink afterwards.

Toothbrush Holders

Toothbrush holders are the third highest breeding ground for in yeast and mould. We brush our teeth at least twice daily, and after we rinse the brush, we drop it into a holder and let it drip. Our mouths contain a lot of bacteria, wash your holders at least once a week.  Run it through the dishwasher, the heat and pressure of dishwashers kill bacteria.

Pet Bowls

How often do you refill your pets bowl without washing it?   Imagine eating dry food from the same bowl each day without cleaning it. Your pets also have germy mouth and can’t brush their own teeth. Try and clean your pet’s water and food bowls daily.

Coffee makers

Because we never wash the water reservoir for fear of harming the electrical components, mould and other microorganisms can grow in the reservoir. It is recommended to rather buy a coffee maker with a removable water reservoir that will allow you to clean it regularly.

Bathroom Faucet Handles

Your bathroom faucet handles are more contaminated than your toilet seats. Everyone uses the bathroom several times a day.  We turn the handles with dirty hands, wash, turn them off and then reinfect ourselves again. Rather use your elbow to turn of the water, sort of what the doctors do in the movies. Alternatively, especially if it’s knobs, wash the handles before you wash your hands or use paper towels to turn the water off and open the door.

Kitchen Counters

Things splatter when we cook, so always disinfect your kitchen counters before and after each meal.

Cutting Boards

Germs can transfer from our food onto cutting boards, and the worst of them all, is the wooden board as the spaces in the wood house bacteria. Make sure to wash your cutting boards thoroughly and use different boards for meat, vegetables and fruit so you don’t cross-contaminate.

Toilet Seats

Many might think this is the biggest culprit but it isn’t as most people clean toilets at least once a week. Invisible germs can spread for five feet so always put the toilet seat down before flushing.


Our phones go where we go, how many times have you touched it without washing your hands and when was the last time you wiped your phone down?  To keep your phone clean, wipe it down daily with disinfectant wipes and wash your hands regularly too.

Bed Sheets

We might shower daily and wear clean PJs to bed but we do sweat, some more than others and this can leave your sheets moist, a perfect breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Clean your sheets weekly.

Work Space

Don’t forget keyboards, Kettles, coffee machines, microwaves, refrigerator doors and elevator buttons. Make sure to wash your hands before and after use, if you can’t wash your hands use a hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol with at least 60% alcohol. Clean all of the above mentioned weekly to avoid unwanted germs and bacteria.

Practice good hygiene at all times and it will protect yourself and others.